
That Weird Writer Friend

I am that weird writer friend, the one who sends out cards (and will even to people they don’t know!). Recently, I leveled up my game.

In my defense., I’d been thinking about it for a minute or two. And I did message her before doing it. Essentially, I created a character to write a letter… to a character that entrances and bedevils my sister from another mother. If you’d like to see what they’re up to, Rie posted about it on her blog which you can find here:

If you’d like to learn more about Jo and her companions, you can find them on Amazon and Barnes and Noble, to name a few (I originally had links but spaced and lost them! Oh no! Look up Rie Sheridan Rose, you’ll thank me? She has lots of different types of stories, including Jo’s escapades. Want poetry? She writes it. Horror? Yup. Fantasy? She has you covered!)

If I had a nickle for every card I wrote, it’d be a lot of Nickles! This one was different– Ive written poems in cards, or short short stories for kids. But creating a character to write to another character was a new one for me. Not sure what made me do it, bit I’m glad I did.

And extra happy that I have writer friends who roll with it!

January 2021

So January was a good one for the writing. Maybe — Maybe not.

I have a story being held for consideration (fingers crossed and good vibes). Which in terms of goals means that I am actually submitting my work.

My writing sister from another mother (hi Rie!) Challenged me to a poem a day for the year. I am missing few days, but I have been doing it. Which is funny because I don’t identify as a poet but….

But when I was pigtails young, I did. I wrote a little chapbook for the school book project. At some point I stopped– lack of confidence, one too many insults? No clue. But I did, and now I am flexing those creaking poetry muscles and it feels good.

And then the cards! I did another batch on cards for the retirement home, which is still on lockdown. 70 this time. I was only able to do it because my bff Linda came over and we cracked them off. AT the beginning of the pandemic lots of people did lots of things for those that were shut in. We need to remember them. So I did– we did.

2nd Half of 2020

So, we are in the second half of 2020. They year i wemt crazy and bought 3 planners. They all sit empty. Locally, there are more Covid cases exploding here than there were in March. But the local school board decided to do all in for the 2020-21 school year. All kids, all the time, unless parents opted for distance learning. No info on how it would work…

2020 is a bitch. If we had a naming contest for the year, I personally would vote for Cruella.

There is so much wrong with this year…. how do we make some good come out of it? Nt necessarily the huge,YouTube worthy videos (although those were great!) But in a personal way, that gives us joy and helps us through to that next day?

Personally, I write cards. I call people. I need that personal connection. My son has stepped up and learned how to cook my favorite eggs (thabk you kind people of redditt!). He is trying to help out, trying on who he will be as an adult.

In my writing, I have been writing literary stories and i miss magic. I’m in the last 2 weeks of the literary class, and i have learned a lot this year. It helped to have something to do instead of going to museums, the beach… all those places I long to be.

What about you? How are you coping with The social distancing? With not being able to go where you want? What sparks of joy have come your way, and unexpected sparkler i nadark night?

Christmas Card Explosion

I think I’ve sent out well over 50 Christmas cards so far. At first, it was 14 ( or 15) for a great group I belong to plus those family and friends that I had their addresses for. That was a total of… 40 something.

Big family.

But then I did something different. I went on Facebook and tagged a whole ton of people, telling them to PM me their addresses so I could send more. I’m still getting responses, one today from a very dear friend I’d lost contact with.

She’s getting a letter. SSSHHH. Don’t tell her.

One friend PM’d me and said “You didn’t tag me, but I’d love to have a little good mail.” I may have also mentioned random cards that I send out. I always try to write my auntie, and then a few other cards to other people. My little rays’ of sunshine going out to the world.

Apparently, people need more sunshine. I’m willing in my own little way to give it to them not just at Christmas time, but all through out the year.That’s my challenge for myself and for you for 2017.

Go forth and spread your sunshine. The way you make people feel special may be different than mine. That’s ok. The sunshine in Hawaii is great, as it is in Santa Cruz, Ohio, Florida and every place on earth.

Spread those rays, let the sunshine out.

#Postmark of #Envy

I may have mentioned before that I really enjoy writing letters. They are a lot like this blog, conversational style. Every week I send out cards to two of my aunties, who live on the east coast (Hi Aunt Mary! Hi, Aunt Lee!). I started simply because I never wanted to say “I wish I had…” I have a friend that I write to once a week, and that one’s fun. He gets everything inĀ  his letters, the good, the bad, the ugly temper tantrums. There are a few people in the rotation that they get a card whenever I feel the need to send one to them .

One day I went through a whole book of stamps.

I was also a little bit bored. If I’m not working on a project, or reading a book that has sucked me down the rabbit hole, then I write cards. I write them in my car before going in to work. I write them on my breaks, my lunch.

I’m very particular, too. I prefer cards that are blank inside, with nice sturdy envelopes. The pictures vary– simply because I’m eclectic. But the messages themselves do not. They all say, each and every one, I am here. I care.


When I first got back to work after surgery, I was talking to one of my customers. Keep in mind that I’ve talked with many of these people for almost 8 years. We have a relationship, even if it’s only over the phone. They ask about the princeling. I ask about grandkids, the wife, whatever…. Anyways, I had been off for 2 months with my surgery. This customer asked how I was, I let him know I was much better…. and then he told me how he had lost 3 or 4 people in his family over that 2 month period.

My heart broke.

And my pen flew. I wrote a quick, one line note. And had everyone else sign it. We sent it, and it meant the world to him. I’ve since sent them to about 5 or so other customers— ones that I enjoy talking to, or whose story resonates with me. I don’t do it always, simply because I don’t always have the cards with me. but I always care.

That’s why I send cards religiously to my Aunties. They know without a doubt that I care. Emails are great for a quick fix. Facebook is wonderful to share pictures and memes. But to show you care?

From me, it will always have the postmark on it.