Archive | April 2022

Bookish Thoughts: TBR Piles

I got book mail today– a day early! I had ordered 4 books from B&N online, and 3 came in a day early (including the one I shouted about when I saw it– and I had it shipped to my work, for reasons, so that was a bit awkward). We shall talk more about why I didn’t go to the local Barnes & Noble in a different post.. for this one, the box being a day early made a semi-bad day into an awesome day!

Now, part of the reason why I had the books delivered to my work is that my TBR Pile is starting to get a wee bit out of control. Like mightily. I haven’t really read any of the books I got a month ago for my birthday.

I haven’t read much at all.

Why is that? I love reading. I also love writing– and have started again. But the books I have on deck are not anything like what I’m writing so… Why?

Partly because things went a little sideways for me. So I’ve been going down the YouTube and TikTok hole. More TikTok, because they’re all fairly short and easy to scroll past. I didn’t want to commit to the time. I’m horrid. My brain was scattered.

Sometimes, we are just a mess. And even though we know we really enjoy reading, none of the bazillion books we have feel like the right fit for our mood. My mood. I’ll cop to it. It wasn’t us, it was me. Also partly why I disappeared from my blog for a few moments.

But then a book I’ve been (in)patiently waiting to come out did on Tuesday. And there was another book I wanted to read and I ended up finding 4. One I’m anxiously waiting for Friday night to read because I’m gonna rip straight through it. The book? Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher. I’ll let you know how it is.

And perhaps if I’m brave I’ll snap a pic this weekend of my TBR pile. It’s a bit psychotic. And it is well past time to starting reading the books instead of just buying them. We’ll see how it goes!

Is there a book your on pins and needles waiting for?