Archive | September 2013

Writing Cheer Leaders

OK, so I realize I’ve been lax over here. In my defense, I have been writing. YAY me!

My son asked me what I was writing, so I told him. I now have a seven year old cheerleader who wants me to write this book soooo badly (“Finally you’re writing something COOL”). He gives me plot ideas, and staging directions (the demons need to have purple swords, like a lego sword, mommy). He asks me what I’m writing (I don’t tell him most of it– I do write adult fantasy fiction), how much I’ve completed and lots and lots and lots of questions.

Today I actually sat down and plotted part of it out. It’s not an outline by any sense of the word. More of a collection of scenes that I know I need in the story, with snatches of dialog, thoughts, etc. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve sat down and plotted like this? I think it was the last time I completed Nano (10 years ago?). 


There have been short stories, but no novel/novellas.

Involving my son did so much for me. Not only am I sharing something I love with him, he actually
“gets” it when Mommy is typing away at her laptop. “Are you writing Mommy? How far have you gone today?” And I admit it, it is ridiculously gratifying when he’s impressed with my measly word count. He is seven, after all. Plus, he actually will let me write, instead of interupting me constantly. He knows what I’m doing, I’ve done it with him (transcribing video game stories of a seven year old is HILARIOUS!) and he enjoys it and knows the feeling of completion when it’s done.

But for seven he sure knows how to both give me a shot of inspiration and a kick in the butt at the same time. Do you have anyone that fills that function for you?

I’m off to make a word count…


Cathy Lamb’s If You Could See what I see: Book Review


I actually finished reading this on Friday night. I’ve just been collecting myself so I could say something other than the first words that came out of my mouth.

This is probably the one book that I’ve read that was so personal to me, and it was flawlessly done.

One of Cathy Lamb’s signatures are flawed characters who have gone through/are going through/ recovered from some horrendous thing. That being said, her novels are filled with hope, with families that love each other even when they want to throttle each other, and a good dose of humor.

I’ve talked before about my ex-husband. About why and how I quit writing, my struggles with regaining my voice. For those that are new to the blog I’ll catch you up: I was married to a meth addict for about 10 years.  He also has mental health issues. But Ms. Lamb explains it so eloquently, and with few words, so I’ll use hers:

“I thought of how he’d gotten into my head, then spun me around, flinging me this way and that. I’d allowed him to get inside my brain, my voice, myself. I let myself be trapped.” — If You Could See What I See, Cathy Lamb.

Thankfully, I didn’t have the nightmares or anywhere near outcome that Meggie had. I even came out of it with the greatest gift of all– my son. But I did loose a lot of myself during those years, and this book did something that I really needed.

It gave me a happy ending.

I know, it sounds corny, and it isn’t the happy ending that your thinking of (although that one was satisfying as well). But by the end of the book, Meggie has gotten herself back– different than who she was before, still guarded, but definitely herself. And using the art that was hers once again, even if in a new way.

I don’t know that I can express just how much this book means to me. It is at once tragic and uplifting… just as is life.


Thank you Cathy Lamb, for giving me hope for a happily ever after on my terms.
