Archive | January 2018

Ending as you mean to begin

I ended 2017 the way I mean to go on for 2018. Namely, I wrote a short story, did some spot editing (which is my bad part), sent it off to a couple of Beta readers. I’ll be submitting it before the week is done. Next thing up might be an essay contest regarding the end of the world. I have some thoughts that if I can get the zombies pointed in the right direction just might work 🙂

I’m taking a few online classes, too. Just to get the old noggin working again, keep myself busy and all that. I finished one on CS Lewis, and this week I start Tolstoy. He terrified me in college, but now I’m ready to tackle him. I can do this!

My son did end up with presents under the tree. Sigh. But we will be going to SF, maybe next weekend. That would be awesome. This weekend, we’re going to a kid’s paradise, where they have go-cart racing, mini golf, rock climbing, laser tag and oh so much more. I did buy him the year pass for it, so he’ll be going. A lot.  Although I just looked online and the season pass is cheaper than a day pass. SMH.

Hope all of your Christmas Wishes and New Years Dreams come true.