Archive | December 2022

So I did the thing…

And it is out now! You can read my short story, Family Dinner, here

Or you can go this way

Isele Magazine was wonderful to work with. A huge thank you to the editors for polishing up my story so it shines!

I do hope you’ll go check them out. The stories for December center on food– and there is so much emotion that goes into it. I highly recommend Emma Raymond’s “Sustenance” (I felt the inappropriate laughter to my bones– it’s wonderful when a story shows you that you are not alone in how you cope). Meanwhile, James C Holland made me simultaneously want a squished Wonderbread sandwich and more of my mom’s friend bread (although my brother made some for Christmas breakfast and Chaz– you da bomb! It tasted like home!)

So. Lots of good reading! They have poetry & essays to.

Happy reading my lovelies!

Doing the thing

The thing where writers get….. Published. I wrote stories, have been learning how to edit my work (which is an act of love even if it feels like you’ve gone to war) and have started actually… Gasp…. Submitting stories.

It’s hard sometimes as a writer. To send out your work, into the ether. Trusting it to people unknown. Sometimes it feels like every rejection is personal. That they are rejecting us, the writer, as a person.

A few things have really helped me with that. One is Rie, and how she just takes a story and sends it back out if it gets rejected. She has done challenges where she submitted every single day for a year. It reminds me of the story in Poets magazine, where the writers colleague had buckets of rejections and 10 acceptances. Everyone was jealous on the 10 acceptances, but they didn’t have the buckets. Rie is a great writer (go find her– Rie Sheridan Rose or Rie Rose) and puts in the work. I haven’t been.

But I’ve started. 4 stories went out. Three were rejected. One found a home. I can’t wait to share that with you, as well as more of the writing journey. It’s past time for me to take control of that part of my life and find a way to share my stories.

And yes, I’ll share the details as soon as I get them .