Archive | July 2009

Swine Flu


Brian is at a facility that has a “confirmed” 12 cases of Swine Flu. They were diagnosed on Monday or so. According to Brian, they found out about it after watching the channel 13 news.

After Ray and I had been there on Saturday.

Needless to say, I freaked out. Ray gets so sick, so easily. So I was on phone with all the doctors and everything. Ray and I are both fine.

But still.

How can people get that sick, and nothing be done to contain it from the the public? It just doesn’t seem right.

Oh well. I don’t have all the particulars, but I’m sure I’ll get more details as his letters flow in. Cuz I’m not going to see him for a while.

Not gonna happen.

There’s no way that anyone’s worth putting Ray in harms way. And while the Swine Flu is like any other flu— it can still kill the little ones.

So sleep well, Brian. I’ll see you in a few weeks or so.

PS- Brian does not have it at this moment.


So I’ve been running like a banshee after Ray since becoming a single mom by default. I collapse into bed at night, tired beyond belief, wake up the same way.
Oh. And I’ve lost almost 20 pounds.
In one month. I’ve almost eliminated all fast food from my diet (about 1 time every 2 weeks or so), so that helped it along, too. I can’t tell yet in the area’s I want to know that I’ve lost weight– like the waistband of my jeans. But… But…
I’m wearing a shirt I haven’t worn in a very long time. The sleeves aren’t tight on me anymore, and it’s not skin tight across areas that I don’t appreciate the attention in.

So. I may not be losing where I wanna, but at least I’m losing. Right?

And the best part about it is that Ray loves it. Thinks the things we’re doing are just the greatest things in the world. Spending time with his momma and having fun.

More soon, promise. Gotta tell you about my brush with the Swine Flu.