Archive | April 2016

Two Queries

So I queried 2 local papers regarding a travel article. I heard back from one. The article is already off to the editor, now it’s time to obsessively check my email until I hear yay or nay.

The travel article was on the Willy Wonka Sing A Long. While this event is over, they have more coming up. Nice little day trip for a family.

Even Better: I actually did it, queried it, and wrote it & sent off. There are no guarantees but I have begun to be who I want to be. Both as a person and a writer.We all know what was going on with me as a person… no need to rehash here.

But I wrote the bare bones of the event down in article format on Sunday (day after the event) so I wouldn’t forget them. Then I went back and added personality and flavor 🙂 At the same time, I queried. I figured even if I didn’t hear back it would be good practice. I can always publish it here, with you.

Except. I heard back from one. It is in the hands of the correct editor at the moment. And like every writer who doesn’t submit enough, I’m obsessively checking my inbox.


Onwards and upwards. I have another trip this weekend, this time a solo trip to go see a friend. In May, 2 trips. I might just make myself into a travel writer yet!


Gearing Up

Tomorrow, the dyspraxic, the agraphobic, and the single mom going through ish are going on an adventure.

For the dyspraxic, I need to remember to reign in my spinning annoyances. Deep breaths, because he’ll pick up on it. I’m also praying that it will not be sensory overload– he ended up in the ER after trying to see Jurassic World, 3D with the great sound system. So… also need to make sure we plan a place to meet just in case. Then there’s the motor skills portion– hopefully he won’t have any major falls or spill but if he does it’s just like at home: Shake it off if you can, don’t let it ruin your day.

I made certain sure my son knows how to pick himself up and dust himself off 🙂

The agraphobic… well, that part’s harder. Because I don’t know what to do for her. I am straight up kidnapping her tomorrow. She said she was up for it. I bought the tickets. It’s our adventure, darnit! But I think she’ll be fine.

I think sometimes that she doesn’t know when I’m falling apart. That I’m full of fear but I’ve gotten really good at hiding it. Well. It’s what mom’s do, right? We carry on, make sure the show doesn’t get cancelled. Clean up the messes, sooth the savages… er… children LOL. But she knows now. Because I told her.

So that leaves me. The midlife crisis person going flipping crazy with what I want to do and what I know I can do and what will test me beyond my limits. But I’m gonna do it anyways. My hair is in the process of being dyed PINK as I type this. PINK! HA!

For me, I’ve already started running what I need to do for tomorrow. I wanted my hair done for the Willie Wonka Sing Along because really? If you’re going to do it, you need it for that! Clothes are in the dryer.I know where the tickets are, I emailed the box office and they were kind enough to send me lots of information and really great directions.

I’ll pop a note book in my bag. Because the people I’m travelling with know, without a doubt: Wynwords will Write about it.

Ta, my lovelies! I’ll speak  with you soon!