Archive | February 2022

TBR Pile

I have an insanely large TBR pile at the moment. It was only 7 (10) or so books, but then I went to the used book store. Who were more than happy to give me credit on books! To be used for more books! So I got a few (5) (ok 6 but 1 was one I forgot I had read– it has a different cover).

So of course like a good little reader I started reading the New (to me!) books that I obtained at the second hand shop. They are all almost romances. And sometimes, when life is rough, you just need a warm fuzzy romance to get you through. Including 2 Christmas ones for extra fuzzies.

Part of the reason my TBR is so high is because I discovered Libby. Libby is courtesy of Local libraries (you just need a card) and it a HUGE upgrade from Overdrive. Huge. And I ripped through a few books there.

So. I’m back to paper books at the moment. And I loved being in the used book store. It felt like going and visiting a beloved friend. Do you have a shop that feels that way?