Tag Archive | Barnes and Noble


I’m starting to think my birthday is cursed, just a little bit. Since the pandemic hit, they’ve just gone sideways. Pre-pandemic my bff and I would take the boys to a museum, or the beach for a picnic or… You get the idea.

2020 my birthday was during the first of the lockdowns. We ate at home, figured fun things to do (for me, I  decided to write cards for a rehab/care facility. 2021 I don’t remember. Last year not only was I too sick to enjoy lunch, Barnes and Noble made me cry. I was so upset with that particular B&N that I didn’t return to it until a few weeks ago. They fixed the problem.

This year… My 97 year old father, whom I live with, has pneumonia. My son is sick and was an ass on my bday. Went went, spent got lunch and B&N trip. The kids went into the mall and got me the cutest little wallet for my BDay. But… Kid is sick

Yesterday my brothers were going to come over, but illness has struck their families too. My one sis in law did come, and brought me the cutest coffee mug and key chain! Book related!! But… I bought 2 large pizzas, and now al stuck eating them by myself. Bc…. Everyone’s sick.

And my allergies are in high gear. I’m whining and I know it. And I know my bday isn’t cursed. And this will make a HILARIOUS story at some point.

But next year my a$$ is gonna be in a museum. Or at the beach.

Bookish Thoughts: Legends & Lattes

I heard about Travis Baldree’s “Legends & Lattes” through Reddit and TikTok. I wasn’t sure about it, because book recommendations are such a personal thing. You may love a book that I just can’t get into. Or vice versa.

So I bought it on B&N dot com, because we know I can’t find anything at the local store because apparently we don’t read (except we DO AND THEY JUST DONT LIKE US –they are perfectly nice. It’s the algorithm that hates us)

Anyways my lovelies… I was worried. Would I like something that popular? Most of the books on the bestseller lists I do a hard pass on. But then again, how many of the books that I love are on the NYT list?

The prologue didn’t help matters. I understand why it was there, but personally it put me off a bit. They normally do. It’s a preference thing– you might love them.

And then I turned the page. Viv is in Thune and what the heck is going on? And I was sucked in. It hit the boxes of keeping me turning the pages, a found family and some snark. It was just what I needed.

Because in the century since lockdowns started (has it really been ONLY a few years?) and society sometimes feels like a dumpster fire, what is better than snuggling down with a comfort read?

A Cozy Fantasy?

Yes please!

Have any more recommendations for this fledgling sub-genre?

Bookish Thoughts: TBR Piles

I got book mail today– a day early! I had ordered 4 books from B&N online, and 3 came in a day early (including the one I shouted about when I saw it– and I had it shipped to my work, for reasons, so that was a bit awkward). We shall talk more about why I didn’t go to the local Barnes & Noble in a different post.. for this one, the box being a day early made a semi-bad day into an awesome day!

Now, part of the reason why I had the books delivered to my work is that my TBR Pile is starting to get a wee bit out of control. Like mightily. I haven’t really read any of the books I got a month ago for my birthday.

I haven’t read much at all.

Why is that? I love reading. I also love writing– and have started again. But the books I have on deck are not anything like what I’m writing so… Why?

Partly because things went a little sideways for me. So I’ve been going down the YouTube and TikTok hole. More TikTok, because they’re all fairly short and easy to scroll past. I didn’t want to commit to the time. I’m horrid. My brain was scattered.

Sometimes, we are just a mess. And even though we know we really enjoy reading, none of the bazillion books we have feel like the right fit for our mood. My mood. I’ll cop to it. It wasn’t us, it was me. Also partly why I disappeared from my blog for a few moments.

But then a book I’ve been (in)patiently waiting to come out did on Tuesday. And there was another book I wanted to read and I ended up finding 4. One I’m anxiously waiting for Friday night to read because I’m gonna rip straight through it. The book? Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher. I’ll let you know how it is.

And perhaps if I’m brave I’ll snap a pic this weekend of my TBR pile. It’s a bit psychotic. And it is well past time to starting reading the books instead of just buying them. We’ll see how it goes!

Is there a book your on pins and needles waiting for?

Bookish Thoughts: Meet me in Paradise

Meet Me in Paradise by Libby Hubscher is one of two romatical books I’ve read lately that had something in common ( more on that later).

This book, first of all, has both romance and comedy. Falling in the chute to the plane and getting a goose egg? Check! I may have snorted quite a few time while reading this book.

Marin is our hapless heroine in this story. Marin plays it safe, never going on adventures nor even leaving her home state of Tennessee. Entrusted with her little sisters care after a tragedy while they were young, Marin takes to heart that adventures are dangerous and not worth the risk.

And then thing happen. And it is a fun read, and sexy! But there is a tremor of emotion just under the surface, something that will change Marin’s life. Just like life, this book has beauty and sorrow in it and how that characters deal with it is where I have fallen in love.

Both books had a heroine walk away from the romantic interest. Not because of a huge fight. But because sometimes in life the choices you have suck. What I love and adore, is these books have the heroine figuring it out. Coping with grief and trauma on their own, starting the healing process AND THEN bringing the guy in at the end. In terms of the story, that break was short even tho chronologically it was a while.

In the beginning, Lucas (our handsome hero) fixes almost everything for Marin. He gets her to the island. He gets her to go on adventures. Then helps her through the roughest point. But healing after that? Learning who you are and what your capable of? Proving to yourself who you are with no one else’s lense?

That is priceless.

I dislike the narrative that women need a man to be complete. This book doesn’t use it. Not even a hint. The relationship is meaningful because she can do it on her own. Lucas is the adventure she chooses.

Bookish Thoughts: A Tale for the Time Being

I’m thankful that I found Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being during my last tour of Barnes & Noble. In addition to being a great story, it made me think about writing and reading and the relationship between them.

First off, just in case you decide to drop everything and buy it: this book should have trigger warnings. Intense bullying, attempted rape, suicide attempts.

The books I think of myself as reading have none of those things. And yet this Buddhist magical book sucked me in and kept me enraptured. This book is dense and playful and all the things I love about reading and the things I hate. Alternating POV and perspectives, appendices, foot notes and the conversation between reader and writer and what it means to walk in the world.

One of the things that caught me off guard was the way the author is inserted into the narrative. She’s in the book- Ruth– and if my reading is correct the one doing the footnotes. The Ruth parts, interestingly enough is written in 3rd person, while the alternating narrative is the diary of a teenager in Japan. What tipped me off was one of the jacket blurb said it was a blend of fact and fiction.

Here is an interview and questions for the author on the publishers website. I couldn’t find mention of it anywhere else which surprised me.

Because I love the way things are pushed and pulled in and out of view, even what type of book you think you’re reading. I found it tragic, funny, lovely and lonely. And when it was over it made me want enough to leaf through the appendices.

B&N: some thoughts

It surprise no one that I love a book store? If you are shocked… I ain’t got nothing for ya. Have you been under a rock my whole life? 3 out of 4 of my first jobs were in bookstores. And I loved them.

I got away a bit, by reading on my tablet. My Nook. And it’s ok for books, I like them just fine? Bit I absolutely can’t stand reading a magazine that way. It’s… Hinky. Too many quirks to it. And I’ve started reading a lot more magazines, so I’ve been visiting local Barnes & Noble stores. Well, one local to home, and one local to work.

My peeps, I am in trouble. In addition to the magazines, I am finding books, glorious ink and paper books that are a joy to behold! And hold and read and not worryabout dropping in the toilets or in the parking lot at work and shattering the screen. And in a time when connections are so precious, paper and ink win over the tablet

Although to be fair I am writing this on the tablet, so it is still being used.

Pre-pandemic, I would buy my cards in a Barnes and Noble, and some magazines. Now… Oh, they have tables with… Gasp! … Sales! Buy 2 get 1 free! Buy 1 get 2nd half off! And it’s so much easier to graze… Um, peruse titles in the store. Although the maze getting through Science Fiction and Fantasy is bloopy, it’s still easier to pick out a book than on a reading app.

(Don’t talk to me about the free books, and discounted pricing on e-readers. I know! I know!)

((and double don’t bring up the kindle. There’s a reason I’m on a nook))

So in the past couple of moths I’ve been to 3 different stores. The local one in Stockton is super nice, but they don’t have the selection I would like for literary magazines. That En Bloc I loved? Nope. Zoetrope? subTerrain ? Nope nada zero zilch. I get it, the demographics aren’t there.

The one near my work had more, but my friend when I was talking about demographics and needing a place that was.?? Hmmm… More literate? Knew exactly where to go! And I did find bunches there! And the problem with asking for the titles I want to read is… I didn’t know I wanted to read them until I picked them up. Some, I didn’t know existed! But being able to flip through pages? Get little sips of language and decide yes or no? Oh yes, yes please!

And that’s something that I missed with books too. I am a serial flip to the back of the book, make sure it’s a happy ending, flip back and keep reading kind of girl. (And yes, I’ll get back to reviewing actual books and magazines soon.)

Ah, books. I’ve missed you.

Review: Mini Maker Fair @ Barnes and Noble (ALT Title: Princeling Learns to Stand his Ground

So all of this weekend, Barnes and Noble are doing a Maker Fair all across the country. It’s a really cool idea, and when we went yesterday we had a blast. For the most part. The Princeling was REALLY EXCITED because he wants to be an engineer or a scientist when he grows up.

They have 3 different types of things scheduled:

Make Workshop: Demos of products like 3d printers, little bitty robots and such. The Princeling really enjoyed seeing the things that came out of a 3d printer… but none of the patience to do it. It has such small fillaments… and it takes sooo long. But still, very interesting! So we the little robots we saw, that you could program with pens.

Meet the Maker: Umm… we didn’t stay for any of this. Sorry!

Make & Collaborate: This, in theory, was an AWESOME idea! But they forgot one thing… At most commercial stores, when there is a MAKE event (Toys R Us, Home Depot), the event is free… and the kids get to take home the project. I’m not saying that the Itty Bits (small electoral do-hickeys that were super cool!) should go home with kids for free. I understand that they are super expensive. But you know what? Lego has free Make & Takes with Toys R Us. I bet they would have done it for you too.

The staff was great, but a little bit overwhelmed. The reason why is also the reason why Ray almost left before he had accomplished his little Lego Mini-Bionicle. Because really, saw some awesomely bad parenting. Or greedy, pushy kids. Which is the result of bad parenting.

First Rule of Store Events: You need to share, sweetie. This is not your home. This is not your birthday party, or a family event where you are everyone’s #1 Kiddo! And for the dad who thought it was AWESOME that his kid made some electrical doohickey the length of the table… Yah! Awesome! Your kid had all but 9 of the electrical Itty Bits set out. Those 9 had to be shared by 4 other kids. Your kid made something awesome… at the expense of other kids being able to make something awesome. And then to have your kid try to take something from another kid? You were right there, cheering him on. He might be the greatest scientist one day… But if you want him to have friends, too… He needs to learn to share. At least the kids at the Lego table didn’t have their parents with them, cheering their little greedy hearts on…

Which brings us to:

Second Rule of Store Events: Parents need to be with or near their children.  This is not free babysitting so you can go run into the mall, or talk on the phone somewhere far away from your child. My son is 9 and still I stayed near. The only time I was away, was when I went into the Science Fiction and Fantasy section (2 new books! Yay mommy!),  but I still had a line of sight on my kid.

And your kids, too.

The Lego table was very popular. Unfortunately, they were extremely underprepared for the amount of kids. Oh, they had body parts, and heads, and this and that. But only 10 of the cool blue and white things. And with you, dear parents not there, your kids A. Got Pushy and B. Got Greedy.

First with A. If your child looks to be 4 or 5…. where the heck were you? She shouldn’t have been at the table at all. And yes, my son is bigger than her. But she still right shoved him out of her way. What the heck? It was the final straw for him, because there were no cool parts that he needed. 8 of the 10 were being used by one kid.

Ray starts storming out. I appreciate the fellow shopper who was in the aisle with us and didn’t say a word. “But they’re taking everything, and keep pushing me out of the way!”

“Why aren’t you standing your ground?” I asked him.

“I don’t want to push and shove and hurt other little kids!”

“Sweetie, standing your ground is planting your feet and not moving. Besides, you’re taller than all these other kids and have a fantastic reach!”

I decided it was time to stand right behind him, not letting anyone shove him around. Just standing there, being immovable mom.

We ended up going back to the Lego table where the little monsters were learning that they couldn’t take home their creations (ha!). Some of the cool bits started coming back into play, and it was fun again. We saw the ozo bots? and the princeling got to make a track and try that. We went back to the electrical table and he played around some more with those. And little whirlygigs that went up into the sky. It was fun again.

All in all, it was a pretty good experience. People need to be aware that these events are for EVERYONE, though, and not just their special darling. And stay with your kids. Share the even with them, make some memories together.

All in all, I give the event itself 4/5 stars. Would have been 5 stars if there had been an actual Make and Take, which COME ON! Even Toys R Us, the most expensive toy store in the world does every once in a while!

They have an art thing coming up next weekend. Think we might need to see what’s up with that!

barnes and noble 2 barnes and noble stand your

Creation: Finished                                                         Learning to Stand his Ground

Robin Hobb

I love Robin Hobb. I geeked out so hard on the Rainwild’s that I drove nearly everyone I knew insane. And Fitz and the Fool? Don’t even get me started. I love these two, and she’s starting a new series with them that comes out in August. (I was able to read the first book of the new series through NetGalley, but will wait to post my review until it comes out. Because, you know, that’s fair.)

Barnes and Nobles are having a sale on Robin Hobb’s books on Nook. You can Start the Rain Wilds for super cheap, but even more importantly, the first Fitz book, Assassin’s Apprentice, is only $0.99. For less than a buck (ok, a penny less, but still less), you too can get to know FItz and the Fool. This is important. 

This is very very important.

Because the new series featuring the two comes out in August. And Geek that I am for her..well, you’re gonna need to read the series leading up to it, otherwise… 

Well, you won’t be able to get your geek on with me. 

And we so want to get our geek on! 

This has been a public service announcement for the Epic Fantasy reading community at large.



Last week, I spoke a bit about my problems with Barnes and Nobles. One of the books that I’ve been looking for was Infinity Gate by Sara Douglass (published by Harper Voyager). Two. Years. It but I finally got the final book in the series and I have to tell you I was sooo happy!

And even happier that the writer is good enough that A. I did not have to go back and re-read the other two books (Serpent Bride and Twisted Citadel) and also that I didn’t get/need B. great big info dumps. You know the ones, where one character tells another “Well, you know…” Some of the information was included in different parts of the book. But it was seamlessly added~ maybe a sentence here and there. Too many authors do not take the time to do this. Or, they’ll give a huge long “Our story so far” as a prolog. If done well, there is no need. Remember? Two years since I read the first two.

Of course, having memorable characters helped a lot.

As much as Ishbel and Maxmillian are the “heros” of the trilogy, this novel is about Axis. Brought back from beyond death to fight the good fight. He has his ups and downs as a heroic character. Axis is, well, human. Except not. But it is his struggles that power most of the story, even if we get peeks into other characters. Axis is the one who is transformed by the end, and it is satisfying.

This book was so worth looking for. Do I wish that I had rushed out and bought it online? Yes, and no. Yes, because that would have taken care of my need for speed. I’ve only done that with one book (the last of the Alera novels by Jim Butcher— I tore through those so fast. Well.) No because I relished the reading of this. Because I finally won one.

Also on their shelves on Monday? Breathe and Bone by Carol Berg, as well as the other book in that duology. Powerful reading, that. If I could find my copies, I’d re-read and post up here. Might do that next time I run out of books.


For now, it’s a wrap!