Tag Archive | check-in

Goals check up

Well, apparently I had no need to worry about the blip of only a few books in January that were read. Because I read an obscene amount in March. Ripped through several author’s entire back list too!

I’ve been blogging more regularly this year, too. Looks like I’m hitting 3 times per month every month. Not great, but so much better than the years previously that I’ll take it.

I’ve been writing more, too. Sometimes I’ll start and stop. Or play here and there. Flash and poetry are what I’m currently completing on a regular basis. But I am writing. And submitting.

One of the best things for my writing was showing up  for a writing date with Rie. It isn’t about being held accountable. It’s about having someone you can shoot a text to really quick– hey, a short female name that doesn’t start with an M or is Lily?? And get a response. It’s not being or feeling so alone in the process. Forwarding opportunities that might fit the other one’s story, feedback, heck just being “there.” We are states away, but technology is a wonderful thing. Just knowing someone is there for an hour a day, Monday through Friday with me… It’s a beautiful thing.

Now, I’m off to go write more in my silly little story. I’m calling it that because right now I’m writing it just for me. It makes me happy to write it. 

And that is enough.

For today, making myself giggle is enough.


Update on goals

So February was a good month for my goals. I posted more here, wrote more words and read a heck of a lot more than I did in January.

READING: Read 20 books (oh my gosh!!!) and DNF’d 16. I am really enjoying what I’m reading, even if I’m picking up tics in the writers. I’m ripping through different authors on KU, which makes those things jump out. Some things I love, like the no 3rd Act Breakup and others, like popping shoulders and using husked instead of…. Said. Whisper. Rasped. Anything other than husk lol. But I’m also learning to jump over those bits. Not having to wait for titles means that I can read an authors backlist or a whole series in one go. If I had to wait a year for the book to come out it probably wouldn’t even be a blip.

WRITING: I’m writing more, and coming to terms with the fact that longer forms aren’t for me right now. Poetry, prose poetry and flash fiction are what I’m able to sustain and that’s ok. Also, I submitted something in February. Maybe a little too honest, too raw in my cover letter but it happens. I have another story I’m getting ready to sub, one that’s more of a humorous story.

I’m hanging out here more too, keeping up with the blog. I’ve dropped off of scrolling aimlessly for hours on the clock app, and I gave up the book face a long time ago– it wasn’t good for my mental health. Instead of social media I have been turning to reading and writing.

So. As check-ins go, February was a good month. Here’s to hoping March is even better!

Ta, my lovelies! Hope you find great books to read and if you’re of a writerly bent may the muse bless you.