Tag Archive | cover letter

Writerly Musing: Cover Letter

So, I probably just bombed my chances by writing the most honest cover letter of my life.

It’s for a weird, disturbing story I wrote that also happens to be beautiful. I mentioned in the letter that if I am to kill my darlings the whole story would be gone and I can’t do that.

It’s a story that means something to me. Because stories matter, we know they do. And this story is like a prayer, a hymn for a life gone too soon. I get emotional about the story and I slipped the leash and let it out in the cover letter.

Stories matter.

I’m having a hard time finding a home for this one. That’s ok. It just hasn’t found a home yet. I have faith that it will, tho.

Stories matter. Dark and twisty, light and fluffy. All ends of the spectrum. Stories matter. If I feel anything down deep to my bones it is that.

Stories matter.