Reading Journal

So I started keeping a reading journal this year, in addition to a writing journal. Today, I’m just taking on the reading journal tho.

I have been consistently writing down the books I’ve finished. I’ve read an embarrassing amount of books this year. Not counting rereads– 80 or 90 books.  I prefer books to watching most TV, and gave up most social media to save my sanity (hello FB).

Although I’ll write about books here, I’ve only written about 2 or 3 in my book journal. I also don’t give them a star rating. I do leave them in Goodreads. If it’s not at least a  3– which is solid, enjoyed it for me– I don’t finish it. I don’t review DNFs. Ok, rarely. I’ll talk about them here, about learning from them, but… Nope.

(I also love Goodreads because it keeps track of the books I’ve read so I don’t have to remember to write them down as soon as I finished.)

I have a BOOK BINGO page that I made myself. I have Bingo but am trying for BLACKOUT. if you know a good book with a main character over 70, let me know.

I’m really enjoying keeping track of my reading journey this year. It’s simple,and a little basic for others. But it combines my love of books and stickers and journaling in a wonderful way.

So, my lovelies, do you have a reading journal? Or a movie or manga or or…. Do you keep a journal of your hobbies? Of the things you love?

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