Writing Life

Have you ever been in the midst of writing a story and realized…you probably need to go back and rewrite the whole thing?

I’m not talking about when you write something, then press the delete key, or rip the pages out and metaphorically burn them. This is not being unhappy with the story, or your own skills….

This is knowing you need to go back and tell the story another way.  It might be telling the story from someone else’s POV, changing the framework, a whole host of reasons.

For me right now it’s the perspective. Right now it’s told in a close 3rd, alternating between 2 different characters: one male, one female.

It’s no big deal, except it is a big deal. When you write 1st, you get into your character’s heads in a way you can’t in 3rd. It also changes the dynamic because the voice has to change between characters.

Which sounds obvious.

Also a bit moronic.

However. But.

It’s not as easy as you might think. In 3rd person writing, the writer (or narrator) is the one plucking the details to show, highlighting this or that. It’s their voice that infuses the story. But in 1st, that’s all character voice . And if you have more than one main character, you have to make certain sure whose head you’re in when the story is being told. And because you have more than one voice you can’t use the party trick of just using your own “voice.”

(character voice and author voice are different. I don’t know how to explain it but maybe one of my friends will do a guest post for me on it.)

So, here’s the crux. I’ve written men before. Of course I have. In close 3rd. But never in first. I’m kind of scared to do it because… Welp. Obvious reasons.

Am I still gonna try?


Trying new perspectives, new techniques, it’s one of the ways I love to write. Might crash and burn. Might write a really good story. Will definitely enjoy the process, learning my way around it.

I’ll try to update you soon. I know I’ve been a little absent this month.

For now, Ta, my Lovelies!

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